Neil H. Jones demonstrates TRX Rip Trainer moves on City TV Calgary, showcasing its versatility, core engagement, and effectiveness for HIIT, power, and speed training.

Urban Athlete Calgary - TRX Training Neil H Jones

CityTV - TRX Training

City TV Calgary TRX Rip Trainer Demonstration.

Fitness reporter Jill tries the rip trainer with Neil H. Jones at Urban Athlete Calgary. Here I am featured with Calgary Breakfast Television on CityTV demonstrating some TRX Rip Trainer moves which include push, pull, rotation and striking. The functionality of this innovative piece of workout equipment is to produce and control rotational force. Subsequently the Rip trainer also great for power and speed training specific to sport performance in general.

Neil demonstrates some favourite Rip trainer moves, while Jill Belland's camera crew display these exercises to Calgary TV viewers.  The TRX Rip trainer has gained popularity due to its portability, versatility and its ability to engage the core stabilizers and unique ways it can integrate the body as a whole. Lastly the TRX Rip trainer can effectively produce HIIT workouts while increasing metabolic output thus burning fat and calories.

Tennis Specific Rip Trainer Drills - TRX Rip Trainer Workout

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