Dietary Analysis &Nutrition Consultations Optimum Health & Fitness

Dietary Analysis and Nutrition in Calgary

" An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure"

A healthy diet will prevent excess body fat, lower bad cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of developing coronary heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and certain types of cancers, to name just a few. My comprehensive dietary analysis and consultations will identify missing elements to your diet and lifestyle.

Good News:

Through one-on-one or small group communication with you, we will work together to plan your diet, improve your nutrition, increase your health, lose or maintain weight, reach your sport specific nutritional goals and achieve energy balance.

Whatever your goals maybe:

A tailored dietary analysis and nutrition consultation will  be the stepping stone towards improving your dietary intake and achieving your goals.

A full dietary analysis and nutrition consultation will consist of:

  • Pre-consultation discussion surrounding your current dietary intake and lifestyle activity levels
  • Assessment of your diet based on 3-day food diary this includes a detailed dietary analysis report generated with the help of a comprehensive and unique software program highlighting potential nutrient inadequacies
  • One-on-one, or small group, hour long consultation discussing your nutritional and activity requirements
  • Advice, strategies to implement into your lifestyle moving forward, in addition to nutritional literature, to achieve your personal goals

This does include both the dietary analysis and nutrition consultation together, however you may elect just one or the other.

A Comprehensive dietary analysis and nutrition consultation can be arranged in person with myself, in the city of Calgary. If your location is not suitable for this, arrangements can be made to do such via the internet.

Wait there's more:

Please continue to view my website for my other services offered, as I would love to combine a dietary analysis and nutrition consultation with any of my personal  and or online training packages, enabling that extra comfort in reaching your health and fitness goals.

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